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Wholesale products to sell during the rainy seasons

The rainy season presents an opportunity for entrepreneurs to provide solutions that can help people stay comfortable and dry during the wet weather.

Here are some product ideas that you can buy in bulk and consider selling in preparation for the rainy season:



These are obvious but essential products for the rainy season. You can offer a range of wholesale umbrellas in different colours, sizes, and designs to cater to various preferences. This variety can also help differentiate your store from competitors and give customers a reason to choose your business over others.

Umbrellas can also be a profitable item to sell. While the markup on individual umbrellas may not be huge, they are generally inexpensive to purchase in bulk, allowing for a decent profit margin.

By offering umbrellas for sale during wet weather months, you can provide a valuable service to your customers and potentially increase foot traffic to your store.



Hats, gloves, and socks

Stocking winter textiles early helps to meet the demands of your customers during the colder, wetter months. As the temperature drops, people start looking for warm clothing options, and by providing these items, you can cater to this demand and provide your customers with the products they need while taking advantage of wholesale prices and selling them at a higher price during the peak seasons.

Gem Imports offers a large selection of textiles for men, women, and children to help keep them comfortable and dry during wet weather.



Moisture absorbers

Excess moisture in the air can lead to a range of problems, from mould and mildew growth to musty smells and damage to furniture and other items. Moisture absorbers can help to combat these issues by effectively removing excess moisture from the air.

Dehumidifiers and damp traps come in a range of styles and scents, and are generally very easy to use, and require little maintenance or upkeep. This makes them convenient and cost-effective with year round sales.


By considering these tips, you can choose the right wholesale rainy day products that align with your target audience, meet market demands, and provide high-quality options for your customers.

Make sure you register your free online account with Gem Imports Ltd today and browse our ranges today.

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2 Athena Way,
Hoyland, Barnsley
S74 0FQ


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01226 395095


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